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Showing posts from September, 2012

How to center a Div Horizontally and Vertically

  .wrapper { width : 100% ; height : 100% ; background-color : aqua ; } .body { width : 600px ; height : 300px ; background-color : #567 ; position : absolute ; left : 50% ; top : 50% ; margin-left : -300px ; margin-top : -150px ; } we set wrapper class to parent container. then set body css to child div which needs to center in the screen.  

Access to this web server is disabled by default because it is controlled by Basic Authentication and does not use Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Do you want to search the Microsoft Online Support Center to view possible solution?

I got this error when i tried to connect to  a SharePoint site using SharePoint designer. since I'm using Windows7 home premium as my development environment i configured the SharePoint to use basic  authentication which does not support SSL authentication. But Microsoft provide hot fix to overcome this situation. You need to download and install the fix mentioned below. [Microsoft Fix it 50711]

The specified dsn contains architecture mismatch between the driver and application

This is a common error that is raising when 32bit applications and 64appications working together. therefore if you wan to create a 32bit DSN you should refer the 32bit DSN (ODBC) exe to create the DSN. therefore you need to go to the folder called C:\Windows\SysWOW64. Therefore you need to run the ODBC exe in the location C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe to over come the situation. WOW is abbreviated as Windows on Windows